- 핵심: consensum mechanism의 구멍
- 유저가 피싱에 걸려서 거래가 이루어지면 블록체인 프로토콜에 따르면 이러한 거래도 유효하다고 판단. 이랬을 경우 피해에 대한 미연의 방지을 막을 수 있는 방법이 없음
- Code is Law를 너무 믿음, 현실세계 인간의 수많은 불특정 변수를 고려하지 않음
- 중국격언에 상부에 정책이 있으면 하부에는 대책이 있다는 말 처럼, 결국에는 100% 온라인 코드기반이 아닌 일정 부분 기존 인프라와 결합된 하이브리도 모델로 가야하지 않을까 싶음
- 예를 들면 법원에서 공증해주고, 그 데이터를 블록체인에 올려서, 해당 데이터를 올린사람이 정보를 업데이트 해준다던지
- 리먼 사태
- Chapter 1: Bitcoin
- Some of the largest institutional holders of cryptocurrency are the exact same investment banks that created the subprime loan crash.
- The problems with the banking industry, because those problems are patterns of human behavior.
- bitcoin and proof-of-work cryptocurrency aren’t incentivizing a move to green energy sources, like solar and wind, they are offsetting it.
- Chapter 2: Ethereum
- Chapter 3: The Machine
- The whole thing operates by buying worthless assets believing that you will later be able to sell them to a bigger fool.
- Chapter 4: NFTs
- It’s a box that you can put a micro program into.
- smart contract
- code is law
- Tons of the tokens did little more than point to images stored on normal servers readily accessible via HTTP, meaning that the bought assets would be just as vulnerable to link rot as anything else.
- There was also no root proof of authenticity, no confirmation that the person minting the artwork was the person who created the artwork.
- If you buy in at $4000 and compete against people who bought in at $4, you’re the sucker.
- It’s not a market, it’s casino.
- The financialization of everything
- Chapter 6
- The primary product is ultimately hype
- So there’s incentive to enforce the collective illusion
- Chapter 7
- What do tokens actually do?
- The only illegitimacy it recognizes are people trying to insert fake data. When you are tricked into doing something, all of the mechanics of what follows are, by the rules of the system, legitimate.
- Chapter 8
- I thought crypto was all anonymous
- Chapter 9
- It’s a technology that’s built to turn everything into money
- Chapter 10
- If you pitch your game based on earning potential, you are going to attract people, seeking to industrialize your platform faster and in greater numbers than would otherwise play.
- Chapter 12
- Li Jin is a liar
- corporatization of everything
- Interaction = transaction